Art, video © A K Segan

Art, video © A K Segan

UTW 67

Milena Jesenská, born 1989, was a Czech writer, translator, confidante of Franz Kafka.

Of Catholic parentage, she was murdered by the Nazis at the Ravensbrück concentration-death camp, Germany, May 17, 1944.

Art: 2018
Media: Ink, pencil, gouache, colored pencil in the drawing. The drawing paper surrounding the drawing has ten pieces of a (Segan-made 1976) woodcut print (King David) collaged onto the drawing paper.  The proof, printed in gold ink on black paper, was printed by the artist around 2010.
Paper size: 12 1/8 inches H x 1.5 W. Framed

Milena Jesenska was a Czech writer, translator, confidante of and one-time lover of Franz Kafka. She was was of Catholic heritage. Her father, according to Philip Boehm, author of the Introduction in 'Franz Kafka - Letters to Milena' (pub. by Schocken Books, N.Y., 1990, was "Jan Jesensky...a professor at Prague's Charles University... an outspoken Czech nationalist, and anti-Semitic."

Aside from her one-time romance with Kafka, she was married to a Jewish man, Ernst Pollak. Her father was so outraged at this that he had her forcibly committed to a sanatorium for several months. She came of legal age following her release and married Pollack.


She was eventually murdered by the Nazis at the Ravensbrück concentration-death camp. In failing health following a kidney operation in the death camp, she died there on May 17, 1944.


The boat was drawn from a model boat. I found it in a community exchange table where I live. It has a Goodwill sticker on the bottom; someone bought it at a Goodwill store. On seeing it, it brought to mind a much smaller but similarly constructed model ship, which I drew in the forehead of my portrayal of Rüdiger Schleicher, a brother-in-law of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who, like Bonhoeffer, was executed by the Nazis within a few weeks of the end of WWII in Europe, 1945.


See videos of Bonhoeffer der Jude (a 2012 artwork by Segan).


Drawing model boat, Holocaust victim memorial portrait Milena Jesenska (1 min., 54 sec)

Artist reads Milena Jesenska essay excerpt on fate. She perished Ravensbrück, 1944 (3 min., 37 sec)