TV NEWS, RADIO INTERVIEWS & OTHER INTERVIEWS (of A.K. Segan) viewable on Youtube.
2012. At Forfar Academy, a secondary school in Angus, Scotland: Holocaust and tolerance education: Forfar Academy senior Luthais McCash interview with artist A.K. Segan (23 min., 54 sec)
2011. BIG & SMALL ACTS: 12- YEAR OLD SEATTLE STUDENT & BAR MITZVAH CANDIDATE’S DOCUMENTARY FILM INTERVIEWS A 12-year old Seattle student interviewed A. K. Segan & several other people for a documentary project for his Bar Mitzvah: “Big & Small Acts: A Bar Mitzvah candidate's 2011 film” includes interviews with A.K. Segan & others (6 min., 22 sec)
2007. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY, TRI-CITIES, CAMPUS RADIO. WSU staffer LoAnn Ayers interview of A. K Segan about his Holocaust, genocide art. 4 min., 11 sec.
2000. KIRO-TV, KCPQ-TV, KOMO-TV (Seattle) news compilation: BEFORE KINGDOME IMPLODED, 4 ARTISTS, PHOTOGRAPHERS on the news: Martino Hoss, Cecelia Cooney, William Wickett, Akiva K. Segan. 5 min., 25 sec.
1998. KOPN-FM radio, NPR-affiliate, Columbia, Missouri. Local host Carol Greenspan interview with A. K. Segan. 42 min., 24 sec.
1997. KOPN-FM radio, NPR- affiliate, Columbia, Missouri. Ryan Werner 1997 interview w/artist & Holocaust educator A.K.Segan (28 min., 38 sec)
1995. KOMO-TV news, Seattle. Holocaust art exhibit reception, with artist A.K. Segan. 1 min., 55 sec.
1992. KIRO-TV news, Seattle. Obscenity of Holocaust deniers replied to by artist A.K. Segan, May 19, 1992. 1 min., 19 sec.
1987. NORTHSOUND RADIO, Aberdeen, Scotland. Edi Stark interview with artist A.K. Segan at the Aberdeen Art Gallery. 10 min., 24 sec.
1987. BBC-2 RADIO interview by Doug Ness, at the studio-flat of Aberdeen Art Gallery’s International Artist-in-Residence, A.K. Segan, Aberdeen, Scotland:, included in a video compilation titled UK art by A.K. Segan: Old Boid Needed Holiday © ’87 signed by 53 Britons + Doug Ness BBC-2 interview (16 min., 32 sec)
1975 FreeSchool catalog, SIU-C'dale
1975, SIU-C'dale English Dept
1976 SIU-C'dale Free School catalog
1976,Free School, SIU-C'dale
1986 Aug 14, Jewish Transcript,Seattle (front page art by AKS)
1998 Dec 4, JewishTranscript, Seattle (cover art, AKS)
1998 Sep 14, JewishTranscript, Seattle a (cover art, AKS)
1999 Sept 19, JewishTranscript, Seattle cover art, AKS)
2001 AmericanSoc for Yad Vashem card
2005 Indelible Ink, NY, greeting card
2006 Apr, Shuleinu, pub by a syn. in Ottawa (AKS art illust. article)
2008 Apr 18, JT News-Voice JewishWA, Seattle (AKSart w-article)
2008 Mar-Apr, JewishCurrents,NY (cover art, AKS)
2008, Sep 9, JT News, Voice Jewish Washington (cove r art, AKS)
2009 Primo Levi drawing, book cover
2010 JewishFamily Service,Seattle
2013 Aug 30, JT News -Voice JewishWash. (cover art,AKS)
2014 Univ. of Toronto Press