Art © A K Segan


ks. Jerzy Popieluszko, a Polish priest & supporter of Solidarnosc (Solidarity), slain 1984

Art: 2006
Framed: 27 3/4 in. H x 39 3/8 W
Ink, gouache on paper mounted on board

The prefix ks. is Polish for Fr, as in the title of a Roman Catholic priest, e.g. Father (English), Pére (French).


Father Popieluszko, a supporter of the banned labor and human rights movement known to the world as Solidarity and in Polish as Solidarnósc, was murdered by several Polish police officers in Poland, fall '84. I had spent 6 weeks in Poland that summer. 

Exhibits: Hillel Center, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, 2013


A 3 min., 30 sec. video of the drawing.