The Forward, NY

March 5, 2004
Their Words, Not Ours

Your article “Between a Cross and a Hard Place” makes reference to “messianic Jewish organizations” and the “Hebrew Christian community” (February 20).

But you should know there is no such thing as a “Messianic Jew” or a “Hebrew Christian.” If a Jew converts to Christianity, he or she should no longer be considered Jewish. Period.

By accepting the terminology that Messianic Christians use in the media to decide who is a Jew (when Jews have enough trouble defining who is a Jew amongst ourselves!) you give free rein to fundamentalist Christians who target Jewish children and youth for conversion. Let’s face the fact that when Jewish community organizations and media acquiescence to their terminology it invigorates them to carry on their deception and ruses.


Akiva K. Segan
Seattle, Wash.